A Noise Impact Assessment was prepared by CSP Acoustics on behalf of Gerry Robb Architectural Design Services to consider the impact of breakout noise from a proposed events marquee on nearby dwellings.
The events marquee will be used for entertainment and includes amplified music, which will be the loudest noise source within the marquee. CSP Acoustics used historical noise measurements of amplified music completed for an existing events marquee to carry out the assessment.
The main concern was the potential impact of music noise from the marquee. We utilised our previous experience in more than a dozen projects related to marquees and music events to address the local Environmental Health Officer’s main concern, which was the extremely low background noise level.
The noise impact assessment of the events marquee on surrounding residential premises was carried out in accordance with an assessment method agreed with Aberdeenshire Council, again using the proprietary noise prediction software CadnaA® (Computer Aided Noise Abatement) developed by Datakustik. The noise mapping model helped to visualise the noise propagation in all directions.
The assessment demonstrated that the project was viable and the application was granted planning permission by Aberdeenshire Council.
Ballogie Estate Office
Noise Impact Assessment/noise prediction software CadnaA®
It is a fact that the impact of many acoustical issues can be reduced by making appropriate early stage design decisions – site layout, building planning, materials and structures choices can all affect the magnitude and therefore cost of dealing with noise, privacy and communication issues. To help designers become more aware of the impact of acoustics on design and development CSP Acoustics is happy to provide CPD Updates on Acoustics and Noise issues to design practices and client organisations. Lunchtime, or longer, CPD sessions can be arranged for delivery in-house to suit client and design organisations.
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