CSP Acoustics has extensive experience of a wide variety of these types of facilities including music, drama and operatic spaces as well as small and large community and schools sports, swimming and performance spaces. Such projects will often require a wide range of acoustical services so that issues of environmental noise, impacts upon neighbours, room acoustics and sound insulation can be integrated into the design and development to meet project targets (for example BREEAM and BB93 criteria). CSP Acoustics has long experience in providing such services.
The choice of spatial configurations, structure and materials can fundamentally influence acoustic performance and so consideration of acoustical issues at the early concept stage can help reduce costs and increase compliance with standards. CSP Acoustics will work with clients and designers using early involvement and integration into project teams so that concept decisions can be influenced and detailed designs developed to meet acoustical targets. The ability to talk and discuss acoustical issues with a project team, using simple language and showing an understanding of the complex issues that confront other team members, enables us to help achieve solutions that are fully integrated with architectural and servicing designs and that meet design and performance targets.
Some of the services we can provide as part of the Cultural, Sports & Leisure sector include...
The impact of external noise on performance spaces can be critical to their success and project generated noise impacts on neighbours from many types of culture, sports and leisure activities will require careful assessment and control if nuisance problems are to be avoided. Noise Impact Assessments could include road, rail and air traffic and industrial noise impacts upon the project as well as plant, activity noise and construction noise breakout. CSPA has long experience of preparing these assessments as exemplified on our Environment and Noise page as well as our Noise and Nuisance page.
Quietness, privacy and communication are critical issues in drama and music performance spaces, which therefore require early attention to room acoustics, sound insulation and noise control factors. Modelling of the ways in which sound moves within and between spaces and so creates good communication and privacy conditions is therefore essential – and one of the critical services that CSP Acoustics can provide on such projects. More can be seen on our Architectural and Building Acoustics page.
Planning conditions as well as project and design targets will all have to be met and compliance with these demonstrated before project completion. This may not only require application of Compliance and Monitoring services but also the benefits of a Test Risk Management strategy throughout design and construction. The linked pages explain more about these two critical CSPA services.
It is a fact that the impact of many acoustical issues can be reduced by making appropriate early stage design decisions - site layout, building planning, materials and structures choices can all affect the magnitude and therefore cost of dealing with noise, privacy and communication issues. To help designers become more aware of the impact of acoustics on design and development CSP Acoustics is happy to provide CPD Updates on Acoustics and Noise issues to design practices and client organisations. Lunchtime, or longer, CPD sessions can be arranged for delivery in-house to suit client and design organisations.